Sunday, April 11, 2010

Aspects of a mystery

The picture of a man with a cap and magnifying glass is a picture of Sherlock Holmes. He is a famous detective.

There is a picture of someone getting their pocket picked. In this picture the lady is the victim.

There is a picture of a star wars book called the only witness. In this book some one must be saved because they witnessed a crime.

There is a collection of cluedo cards. The people on these cards are the suspects in the game of cluedo.

The picture of a fish is a red herring. A red herring is something the throws the good guy off the trail.

The stick figure picture of someone holding a gun is the depiction of a crime.


Anonymous said...

Hi Matthew! I like your victim picture I mean the pick pocket thing is nice. Keep up the great work.


Rgee said...

the victim picture is good because it's pickpocketing

Stuart said...

The only witness is about a person gathering infomation so she isn't realy a witness but she does witness alot of things in that book, I liked the fish

From Stuart