Mr.Benedict, Reynie and the crew are back! For the second mysterious installment Mr. Benedict decides to hold a world-wide treasure hunt as a 1 year anniversary for defeating the evil Mr. Curtain. But Mr. Benedict's evil twin isn't gone forever! In fact, he has just struck again... by kidnapping Mr. Benedict and Number Two! Just when everyone was going to have a happy reunion! What could happen next? Why, a world wide hunt for the missing twosome of course!
New cast members are added into this life-threatening puzzle. Cannonball and Captain Noland help the children race across three adventure-filled countries in the fastest ship ever known to mankind... the Shortcut! McCracken leads an evil force against Mr. Benedict's strong troopers. Then there is Her Majesty the Queen, Kate's new falcon friend. But all of Mr. Curtain's carnivorous comrades are back too! Jackson, Jillson, Martrina, S.Q... all of the master mind's extreme executives are back and as mean as ever! (Except, maybe, S.Q.)
But along with these evil crew-members come the ten-men, business men armed to the teeth. Pencil darts, whip ties, shock watches, calculator bombs, even laser pointers with real lasers!
How can Reynie, Sticky, Kate and Constance work past these thugs? The answer lies in a book of hags and bullfrogs, clues and warnings, pigeons and falcons, deserted villages and dusk-wart, salamanders and sea-planes. Will team Benedict prevail, or will rules, schools, tools and fools be too much for them?
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